We've had daytime temps ranging from +15/25C for close to three weeks now. Ontario is the new Florida! They wish they'd had our weather.
Unfortunately for a lot of steelheaders in Southern Ontario, it means they miss the spring runs if they don't get out in the next few weeks. There are always the dropback fish I guess. Smelt runs have been in full force with each sprinkle, for the past two weeks and there are guys steelheading the northern rivers around Sault Saint Marie for a week now too. Crazy!
Can't wait for Brookie season around here because they'll be good and fat by then with the spring season being so far advanced.
The Niagara River has just started picking up for shore fishermen and has been decent from boats for about two weeks. I'm predicting it to get real hot in the coming week and there already huge deluges of people flocking to fish it. I picked up one fish in 6hrs on the big river last Wednesday after covering several miles of the gorge, and ended up breaking out the hardware to do it. Lost a massive muskie in the process; estimate in the 50-55" range!
Reports from Lake Huron rivers are positive with decent catches coming from the Saugeen to the Maitland. The water is clear and low for this time of year though. Brown trout, steelhead, coho/chinook salmon, perch and pike are being caught. Georgian Bay should soon pick up too.
So get out there and Good Fishing'!!
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